Tuesday, 4 December 2012

2d Lesson 11 - Harmonising and Speed painting

The first thing we had to do was a speed painting in an hour, based off a reference. I think the foregrount figure of the boy on the left came out well, but I had difficulty in doing the background, or at least getting it more realistic, but I did find an interesting technique when it came to making it less obstrusive, by using a grey fill on a opaque layer to flatten it down.

The second exercise was another speed painting done in 50 minutes. I had a bit more difficulty with this one due to the fact my monitor at the time's colour wasn't accurate so the image came out alot lighter than I expected. I like how the came out, however I feel I failed in regards to the composistion off the image (which was more at an angle) and I used too much yellow where I should of used blue. Still in future these mistakes will be the first things I focus on foremost.

Lastly is a painting I did using a limited colour swatch from a previous image - that consisted of mainly yellows, pinks, and muted purples. I'm in a mixed mindset with how this came out, I like the creature design, but I had difficulty painting within the limited colour scheme, but I feel it was able to achieve the exercise's goal.

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