Tuesday 11 February 2014

World Building 9 - Trash Assignment

This week's assignment was emulating the kind of work that would be given to us in the industry. In this case we had to produce a low poly asset of trash that could be used in a urban environment.

It was really easy modelling the actual trash and boxes, however the difficulty I found was making the most of the 500 Triangle budget we had. At the time I found it difficult just to get near the triangle budget, but I tried to make the most of it by tessellating the planes inside to give more depth to the garbage inside the box.

UV mapping the model was the most tedious part, I used RoadKill to help sped up the process as it managed to automatically separate the maps for the different model elements inside the box. I then proceeded to texture the box using the photos of trash as reference as well as references from google. I also baked an Ambient Occlasion map in 3ds Max which gave the texture some local shadow.

Although the Ambient Occlasion is great, it does unfortunately hide the little details inside the trash box, which otherwise would be visible if it wasn't for the strong shadow. But still it is a cool technique in my opinion, and one I will apply to other works.

Edit: Marmoset Render:

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