Thursday 6 November 2014

Summer Pre Production Ideas and Artwork

During the summer we took the opportunity to come up with some ideas for our game. We settled upon an adventure came, with a focus upon a few but powerful enemies that you had to use your wits to get past as opposed to button mashing attacks.

With this in mind I produced a few sketches and ideas at the end of summer for our project.

First thing I did was a rough story board proposing a scenario with one of the enemies in the game, where our player has to navigate a tunnel maze and use his lantern to escape from the boss. Our group was fairly fond of the idea of using puzzles and wits to defeat the boss and we decided on making this one of the main features of our game.

 Secondly I did a couple of sketches suggesting what sort of characters we might have in our game. We agreed upon a slight arabian/desert inspired setting, hence the whites and loose clothing on the characters. The drawing of our human main character served as the initial basis of our protagonist's design, and it's something I plan to take further. On the other hand the troll, as fun as he was to design wasn't really a character we're going to take any further - rather we'll have a focus on more large and bestial type enemies such as birds and worms.

I also put together a moodboard, so we can have a focus on our art style and how we want our game and locations to look.

Overall I felt these sketches served as a good way of initiating ideas, and I hope to practice further during pre production in order to have a better presentation on my artwork.

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