Wednesday 6 May 2015

Narrative and Dialogue

To add some narrative to our game, we decided to focus on some story telling elements with our game.

We've already established that the player is a treasure hunter, seeking an Amilarry Sphere. But why is he in this strange world?

We decided to add a voice-acted monologue to the character, where he would make comments on the world around him.

This would act as both a narrative element - such as explaining why he's there, and what he's after. And also some of his monologue would act as guidance and tutorials to the player - such as commenting on being able to use his grapple on a certain object.

As part of this process I wrote a script for the character's Monologue - which incorporated some narrative ideas:

We wanted our storytelling to be somewhat subtle - rather than a play by play. But I made sure to have the dialogue reflect the character's thoughts so that he can provide context to why he is there.

In addition to this, we wanted to flesh out the lore of the world.

We had the idea of certain objects in the world, that could be triggered to play a memory (voice over) of their previous owner. This creates a sense of a more living world, and that adds some mystery to the it:

We had three sessions in the sound room.

The first session we got used to using the equipment and recorded the Hero's initial monologues. We had a few of us try to try and decide who would be best for the role.

The second time we repeated this process, giving people more preparation time.

In our third and final session, we had a variety of different actors from other courses to voice the four memory characters.

We hope to include these Monologues for the degree show build, and have them trigger appropriately.

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